“The sessions with Charleen (and River the horse) were refreshing and inspiring. I’ve tried many different kinds of therapy, and I found the neutrality of the relationship with the horse allowed me to really trust the process and look deeper into myself. Thank you Charleen for facilitating that space so gently, I would highly recommend sessions with her.” - Indy



Horses are highly sensitive to intentions and feelings. They can accurately read human body language and reflect human emotions.

Working therapeutically with horses offers participants a profound, full body learning opportunity in understanding how our actions and behaviours appear to others.

Horses love to exist in a sense of congruence and alignment with humans. By observing a horse’s state of being when with an individual, their responses can help us observe what aspects (internally) we may wish to look at regarding our thought patterns and behaviour. This observation-reflection work helps us better identify the place that exists in all of us: the space where the being is centred and settled - where we all stand strongest in our natural power.



✔️ Nature of the insights are experiential and embodied.. Participants experience longer lasting and more impactful effects than some conventional therapies.

✔️ Working in safe and well held outdoor environments, one-to-one with magnificent animals can offer participants a profound sense of peace and inner healing.

✔️ Reflections offered by the horse-work provide participants with insights as to how they present as individuals and with some guidance allow for the development of strategies for deeper connection and healthier relationships.

✔️ A very suitable modality to helps individuals see the unseen and be shown a better way to rapidly progress in their self development.



The participant is met by their practitioner Charley on arrival to the stables. Once the paperwork has been discussed and signed, Charley guides participants through the introductory self awareness and regulation tools and safety tips to ensure they are fully prepared to get the most from the session. Here is where our 3 layers of connection are also explored and this is important preparation for what comes next.

Charley supports participants to identify a clear intention for the session, before introducing them to 3 horses, of which they choose one for the main session activities which take place in a leafy paddock.

After each session there is debrief to identify and reinforce the gems and insights that might have emerged during the time with the horses. Drawing something to symbolise the learning at this stage can be wonderful for integration. Gratitude is then given to the horse for their presence and partnership. 

Post-session guidance is offered to further help each participant integrate their experience.

The insights and outcomes shared during the debrief are summarised and then sent to the participant in an email. 

When participants DELVE DEEP with the 3 session journey the experience is a much deeper enquiry and awareness unfolds across that time with more insights, longer lasting impacts more able to support transformation.




One session will be an opportunity to see yourself in new ways, embody how to make positive changes in your life, and experience a horses innate wisdom. Participants will have the option to sign up for follow-up sessions on the day.

Full time workers: £150 

Part time workers / low income: £125 

Super Low income: £100 


Three sessions provide a journey. The triple session package gives rise for you to dive much deeper into yourself & fully integrate the insights and it offers even longer lasting results. You get to really soak up the horse’s innate wisdom.

Full time workers: £400

Part time / low income: £335 

Super Low income: £270 

Additional Notes:

  • Each session is a minimum of 90 min (including time for arrival and closing reflections) However working with animals requires some time flexibility - it is recommended to keep 120 minutes free for sessions

  • Firefly Therapies will send out an intake form to be completed and returned the day before the session takes place



This is a therapeutic personal development modality intended for powerful insights and self development. Prior to the engagement with any horses, all participants are required to complete a core assessment interview to establish whether working with the horses is appropriate and safe for both their current state of being as well as the well being of the horses.

If any participant in an immediate state of crisis, Firefly Therapies may recommend seeking more appropriate mental health support.

If you’re not sure about your specific situation, feel free to send an email to info@fireflytherapies.com