“Just had an amazing upgrade thanks to beloved sister Charleen’s Sound healing and Thai massage. Thanks a million for such a beautiful experience love. Highly recommend!”




Sound has been used to balance, heal and shift energies for thousands of years and works well in combination with other sensory stimuli such as scents and touch. I work with ritual, aromatherapy and somatics in the preparation and complete the sensory experience with an indian head massage. 

Charley found Sound Healing a profound aspect of her own spiritual and personal development. After training with Kat Bunbul and The Sound Mysterium in 2020, Charley has been sharing the benefits of the experience of these incredible instruments with others. 

The mixture of ancient and modern instruments played includes:

  • 2 Chinese wind gongs

  • 5 Tibetan Bowls

  • 4 wind chimes

  • Prayer chimes

  • Crystal triangle

  • 2 Crystal bowls

  • Flute

  • 2 medicine drum

  • Tongue drum

  • Shakers, shells and leaves

  • Rattles and sound sticks

  • Frogs and birds



Sessions will leave you feeling reset and relaxed. Much space between your cells would have been created allowing the movement of energies and you will always receive exactly what you need.

Sound therapy is particularly good to ;

Reduce and manage pain
Fewer mood swings
Lower blood pressure
Lower cholesterol levels
Improved sleep
Reduce risk of strokes and coronary artery disease



The 1:1 sessions are one hour and a half and are tailored to the issues and intentions receivers are holding. This multi sensory and truly dynamic experience can allow you to truly surrender to the vibrations and sensations. True transformations can occur.

The sessions begin with an intention setting ritual, (aromatherapy with essential oils and light touch on hands, face or shoulders can be incorporated if desired).

Then take some deep breaths and sink into the floor while you go on a journey and bathe in sounds for 60 minutes, then time for a debrief and to embody insights.

Placed carefully around and occasionally on the body, Tibetan bowls directly shift stuck energies, improve circulation and blood flow, promote deep relaxation, strengthen the immune system and balance the chakras. Gongs, medicine drums, shakers, flute, tuning forks, frogs, birds, leaves, crystal bowls, chimes, bells and a tongue drum all form the extra ordinary tapestry of your experience.

The instruments to do the work whilst you lay in total comfort. 

Receivers are recommended to avoid alcohol and drink plenty of water afterwards to support and enhance the energetic cleansing that takes place.



90 minute, 1:1 Super Sensory Sound Healing: £100

Due to the amount of instruments required, I usually offer these 1:1 sound healing sessions from my home.

I am open to visiting the houses of receivers, only if they are willing to cover the taxi.